Board Policy Updates
Board Policy Updates
March 26, 2024 Board of Trustee Meeting
March 26, 2024 Board of Trustee Meeting
BG (Local) Administrative Organization - ADD
CFE (Local) Purchasing and Acquisition - Vendor Relations - ADD
DAA (Local) Employment Objectives - Equal Employment Opportunity
DCA (Local) Employement Practices - Term Contracts
DEC (Local) Compensation and Benefits - Leaves and Absences
DEE (Local) Compensation and Benefits - Expense Reimbursement
EBA (Local) Alternate Methods of Instruction - Distance Education
ECC (Local) Instructional Arrangements - Course Load and Schedules
FA (Local) Equal Educational Opportunity - ADD
FAA (Local) Equal Educational Opportunity - Pregnant and Parenting Students - ADD
FAB (Local) Equal Educational Opportunity - Service Animals (moved from FAA)
GCB (Local) Public Information Program - Requests for Information
Policies listed in this tab are approved by the Board of Trustees and are pending posting to the main policy page.
February 27, 2023 Board of Trustee Meeting
CLA (Local) Facilities Planning - Facilities Standards
December 5, 2023 Board of Trustee Meeting
DC (Local) Employment Practices
DD (Local) Personnel Positions
DEA (Local) Compensation and Benefits - Compensation Plan
DEAA (Local) Compensation Plan - Incentives and Stipends (ADD)
DEAB (Local) Compensation Plan - Wage and Hour Laws (ADD)
DMAA (Local) Term Contracts - Termination Mid-Contract
To view current college policies, visit the main policy page.